Where's my peanuts and crackerjacks?
Now I’m paying attention.
They have managed to peak the interest of even the part-time sports fan like myself. A fan whose loyalty has less to do with skill and more to do with team colors. And allegiance to my city.
My opinion of professional sports is irrelevant in this instant.
I can’t help it. I love seeing Detroit excited.
I love seeing people downtown. On the streets.
Even if it’s only a game.
Even if it’s only a bunch of dudes getting paid too much money to run around in a ballpark named after a bank.
Because it’s the one thing that has the power to make people forget, if only for a moment, all of the things that make them different from one another. Frolic amongst potholes and abandoned buildings. Hug and hi-five people they normally would not even make eye contact with.
The World Series is top of the line beer goggles for the masses.
So enjoy these next few days. Before the buzz wears off.
And the city goes quiet. Waiting for permission to smile again.
[Royal Oak, Michigan]